Day 91: Calling

My chiropractor is a compact, athletic guy who can adjust my neck and spine with the ease and speed of a hotel maid making up a bed.

My limbs fall like sheets under his hands, and he tucks and straightens until I am aligned to the structure I was manufactured with.

I appreciate anyone who does their job well; but when that person can put bones into place so gracefully, that’s a higher calling.

I asked him today why he decided to become a chiropractor. He said it took awhile. When he was in medical school, his teachers were all very dismissive of chiropractors and he didn’t question it.

Then he noticed that his left leg was much smaller than his right leg. He somehow found his way to a chiropractor.

As an athlete, playing rugby, he realized immediately how significant it was. He was able to kick ass and lead his team to a win after the chiropractic adjustments.

So he started doing his own research into the effectiveness of this treatment. And what he found was different than what his teachers had told him.

Then he surprised me by adding that the key thing, the turning point, was that he asked God for help.

He described himself talking to God: “I don’t know what to do here. I don’t want to just have a job and earn a living. I want it to have meaning.”

Being a chiropractor was the answer he got. He found his calling.

There are 1,000 books out there about how to find your true vocation. I’ve read at least a dozen of them. There are classes and workshops and exercises and tests, and you could spend a lot of money trying to find your calling.

Or you could do what my chiropractor said: Open up your mind and listen with your soul.

I’m trying to take the adjustment inside. Just shut up now, let my soul do the listening, keep my mind open.

Today’s penny is a 2015. This year will lead somewhere in the direction of my next calling.

Day 91 2015